How To Shrink Hemorrhoid Faster. This causes a sudden painful swelling and often a lump that may be bluish in color. If your hemorrhoids are caused by constipation or irregularity, start drinking more water on a daily basis.
Sitz bath treatment has also been known to help as well as spraying cold water on the area several times per day with a shower head. Get an apple cider vinegar and dilute it with water. If the rectum is cleaner, then the irritation caused by the itch will disappear by itself.
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Olive oil is another great will reduce down your irritation to a greater extent. Topical treatment tends not to be effective for thrombosed hemorrhoids, but the pain and swelling tend to. Sitz bath treatment has also been known to help as well as spraying cold water on the area several times per day with a shower head. This will help constrict the hemorrhoids and make them smaller.